
Mindhubber IQ test

Mindhubber IQ Test is a free test with 18 difficult questions/puzzles.

It's an alternative IQ test that gives an indication of your intelligence level.
The result of this test can and should not be compared directly with results from other traditional IQ tests.

Based on your answers a score is calculated. The score can be from 0 to 200.
You get score 0 if you don't have any correct answers. Score 200 is when all questions/puzzles are answered correctly.

Some of the puzzles are really hard - so don't be disappointed if you can only solve a few of them.

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1. What is the next number in this sequence?

1 2 3 5 8 13 21 ?

Write answer

2. What is the next number in this sequence?

2 3 5 7 11 13 ?

Write answer

3. What is the next letter in this sequence?

A B D G K ?


4. All cars can have 2 colors. 3 cars are read. 5 cars are blue.
How many cars are both red and blue?

No cars 3 It is impossible to know

5. It takes 30 minutes for two hairdressers to cut the hair on two people.
How many people can five hairdressers cut the hair on in 90 min?

10 15 20

6. Which letter is the odd on out here?


First U E R Second O

7. Which letter is the odd one out here?



8. Which word is the odd one out here?

Abel Dot Ira Know

Abel Dot Ira Know

9. What is the next number in this sequence?

5 8 12 18 24 30 ?

Write answer

10. Fred is 1246, Burt is 3527, Ted is 746

What is Ira?

729 839 829

11. What is the next picture in this sequence?

A triangle with a dot, a square with a line, a pentagon with a triangle, ?

A pentagon with a line A hexagon with a square A hexagon with a pentagon

12. 134567 is to 567134 as 345123 is to ?

123345 132354 123354

13. The sides on a cube have the colors black, white, red, blue, green and yellow.
Black side has a border to the white side. White does not have a border to Red side.
Blue side is opposite Green side. What side is opposite yellow?

Black White Red

14. What is the next picture in this sequence?

Write answer

15. What is the next picture in this sequence?

Write answer

16. What is the next picture in this sequence?

Write answer

17. What is the next picture in this sequence?

Write answer

18. What is the next picture in this sequence?

Write answer

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